New caps to reduce plastic litter in nature


The Vitamin Well caps are now fixated to the bottle neck – in compliance with a litter-reducing EU-directive which enters into force in July of 2024. The early implementation of the attached caps is part of Vitamin Well’s long-lived ambition to limit its environmental impact.  

From July 2024, attached (also called tethered) caps will be a requirement for all plastic beverage bottles within the EU according to a new EU-wide directive on plastics. The aim is to reduce the amount of plastic litter ending up in the environment and to promote a circular economy.

This is ultimately a good thing, which is why Vitamin Well has chosen to implement the new caps already. Since a few months back, all new Vitamin Well bottles are produced with his feature. As such, some bottles with the attached caps have reached the market already, and they will reach all our markets 2023.

“We decided to be
among the first “

Petter ericson hållén, global brand manager vitamin well

– Coming summer 2024, you should see similar caps on all beverages in plastic bottles throughout the EU, since this change is mandatory. People will hopefully get used to the caps quickly and we are sure everyone agrees that it is good to reduce plastic litter. That is why we decided to be among the first to implement this change, says Petter Ericson Hållén, Global Marketing Manager for Vitamin Well.

When updating the bottles to adjust for the new caps, Vitamin Well simultaneously adjusted the bottle neck, resulting in an additional 4% decrease of plastics, weight and CO2e emissions per bottle.

When updating the bottles to adjust for the new caps, Vitamin Well simultaneously adjusted the bottle neck, resulting in an additional 4% decrease of plastics, weight and CO2e emissions per bottle.

– At Vitamin Well we continuously explore new options to how we can decrease our environmental impact. The implementation of 100 percent recycled plastics in the Vitamin Well bottles in one example of this, the early realization of attached caps is another, Petter Ericson Hållén says.

He continues:

– We also wish to contribute in other ways, by for example encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle, arranging public events, and supporting charities such as the Pink Ribbon, The Swedish Child Cancer Foundation, and many more.

Read more about Vitamin Well’s sustainability efforts here.
