Vitamin C, zinc, and selenium all contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin C also helps reduce fatigue and tiredness, while increasing iron absorption. Zinc helps maintain normal hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamin Well is a non-sparkling, vitamin and mineral enriched low-calorie drink without preservatives. Best served well chilled. We recommend a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Please note that ingredients can differ slightly per country, select your country below too see your local ingredients and nutritional information.

Vitamins, minerals & ingredients
Næringsindholdper 100 mlper 500 mlNRV per 500 ml
Energi66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Fedt0 g0 g
heraf mættede fedtsyrer0 g0 g
Kulhydrat3,9 g20 g
heraf sukkerarter3,9 g20 g
Kostfibre0 g0 g
Protein0 g0 g
Salt0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Inneholder også per 500 ml:
Grøn te ekstrakt 20 mg, Hyldebær ekstrakt 13 mg, Drueskin ekstrakt 13 mg, Granatæble ekstrakt 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.

Ravintoarvoper 100 mlper 500 mlRI per 500 ml
Energia66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Rasva0 g0 g
josta tyydyttynyttä0 g0 g
Hiilihydraatit3,9 g20 g
josta sokereita3,9 g20 g
Ravintokuitu0 g0 g
Proteiini0 g0 g
Suola0,03 g0,13 g
E-vitamiini2,4 mg12 mg100%
C-vitamiini16 mg80 mg100%
Sinkki1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Mangaani0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Seleeni11 µg55 µg100%
Sisältää myös per 500 ml:
Vihreäteeuute 20 mg, Seljanmarjauute 13 mg, Rypäleenkuoriuute 13 mg, Granaattiomenauute 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Informations nutritionnellesper 100 mlper 500 mlVNR, 500 ml
Énergie66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Matières grasses0 g0 g
dont acides gras saturés0 g0 g
Glucides3,9 g20 g
dont sucres3,9 g20 g
Fibres0 g0 g
Protéines0 g0 g
Sel0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamine E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamine C16 mg80 mg100%
Zinc1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Manganèse0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Sélénium11 µg55 µg100%
Contient également les ingrédients suivants (pour 500 ml):
Extrait de thé vert 20 mg, Extrait de sureau 13 mg, Extrait de peau de raisin 13 mg, Extrait de grenade 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Nutritional Informationper 100 mlper 500 mlRI per 500 ml
Energy66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Fat0 g0 g
of which saturated0 g0 g
Carbohydrates3,9 g20 g
of which sugars3,9 g20 g
Fiber0 g0 g
Protein0 g0 g
Salt0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Zinc1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Manganese0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Selenium11 µg55 µg100%
Also contains the following per 500 ml:
Green tea extract 20 mg, Elderberry extract 13 mg, Grape skin extract 13 mg, Pomegranate extract 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Næringsinnholdper 100 mlper 500 mlDRI per 500 ml
Energi66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Fett0 g0 g
hvorav mettede fettsyrer0 g0 g
Karbohydrater3,9 g20 g
hvorav sukkerarter3,9 g20 g
Kostfiber0 g0 g
Protein0 g0 g
Salt0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Inneholder også følgende pr. 500 ml:
Grønn te-ekstrakt 20 mg, Hyllebærekstrakt 13 mg, Drueskallekstrakt 13 mg, Granatepleekstrakt 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.

Hranilna vrednostper 100 mlper 500 mlPDV per 500 ml
Energijska vrednost66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Maščobe0 g0 g
od tega nasičene maščobe0 g0 g
Ogljikovi hidrati3,9 g20 g
od tega sladkorji3,9 g20 g
Prehranske vlaknine0 g0 g
Beljakovine0 g0 g
Sol0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Cink1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Mangan0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Selen11 µg55 µg100%
Vsebuje tudi naslednje sestavine na 500 ml:
Izvleček zelenega čaja 20 mg, Izvleček bezgovih jagod 13 mg, Izvleček grozdne lupine 13 mg, Izvleček granatnega jabolka 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Información nutricionalper 100 mlper 500 mlVRN per 500 ml
Valor energético66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Grasas0 g0 g
de las cuales saturadas0 g0 g
Hidratos de carbono3,9 g20 g
de los cuales azúcares3,9 g20 g
Fibra alimentaria0 g0 g
Proteínas0 g0 g
Sal0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamina E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamina C16 mg80 mg100%
Zinc1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Manganeso0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Selenio11 µg55 µg100%
También contiene, por cada 500 ml:
Extracto de té verde 20 mg, Extracto flor de saúco 13 mg, Extracto de piel de uva 13 mg, Extracto de granada 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Nährwertangabenper 100 mlper 500 mlNRV per 500 ml
Energie66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Fett0 g0 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren0 g0 g
Kohlenhydrate3,9 g20 g
davon Zucker3,9 g20 g
Ballaststoffe0 g0 g
Eiweiss0 g0 g
Salz0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Mangan0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Selen11 µg55 µg100%
Enthält zusätzlich pro 500 ml:
Grünteeextrakt 20 mg, Holunderbeeren-Extrakt 13 mg, Traubenschalenextrakt 13 mg, Granatapfelextrakt 10 mg


Informations nutritionnellesper 100 mlper 500 mlVNR per 500 ml
Énergie66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Matières grasses0 g0 g
dont acides gras saturés0 g0 g
Glucides3,9 g20 g
dont sucres3,9 g20 g
Fibres0 g0 g
Protéines0 g0 g
Sel0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamine E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamine C16 mg80 mg100%
Manganèse0,16 mg0,80 mg40%
Sélénium11 µg55 µg100%
Contient également les ingrédients suivants (pour 500 ml):
Extrait de thé vert 20 mg, Extrait de sureau 13 mg, Extrait de peau de raisin 13 mg, Extrait de grenade 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Näringsvärdeper 100 mlper 500 mlDRI per 500 ml
Energi66 kJ (16 kcal)330 kJ (80 kcal)
Fett0 g0 g
varav mättat fett0 g0 g
Kolhydrater3,9 g20 g
varav sockerarter3,9 g20 g
Fiber0 g0 g
Protein0 g0 g
Salt0,03 g0,13 g
Vitamin E2,4 mg12 mg100%
Vitamin C16 mg80 mg100%
Zink1,0 mg5,0 mg50%
Mangan0,16 mg0,8 mg40%
Selen11 µg55 µg100%
Innehåller också följande per 500 ml:
Grönt te-extrakt 20 mg, Fläderbärsextrakt 13 mg, Druvskalsextrakt 13 mg, Granatäppleextrakt 10 mg
Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and immune system and to normal energy-yielding metabolism as well as increases iron absorption.


Zinc contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal cognitive function, the normal functioning of the immune system, and normal macronutrient metabolism. It also contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, hair and nails and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.


Manganese contributes to the protection of cells in the body. It also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the maintenance of normal bones.


Selenium contributes to the maintenance of hair and nails, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
